Friday, August 17, 2012


What friendship means to me?

If we meet again and you ask for forgiveness.  I will say "There are "friends" who destroy each other, but a real friend sticks closer than a brother." (Proverbs 18:24*) Then I'll grab your hand and smile. :)

Forgiveness....humbleness.... it'll take you far.

Thanks for blogging with Skubi! :)

Wednesday, August 8, 2012


This morning I woke up thinking "valubility".  This word kept ringing in my head.  I jumped to the computer, well to the bathroom first, ;) then to the computer to figure out if this was an actual word.  It's not, but I had this strong sense that it should mean something to me.  What I get from this word is that I am valuable with abilities, hence "valubility"  I will be taking this word with me to help me endure every task I encounter today, this week, and possibly this year.  "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." (Phil 4:13) I am very valuable to Jesus Christ and he gives me the ability to conquer anything with him by my side.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Mentally Exhorting

My body has officially finished the winding down stage.  Today, is my liquid only day.  Starting off early this morning.  I'm off so this will be challenging, but also mentally exhorting, instead of mentally exhausting. A couple days ago a regular customer of mine told me he quit smoking. I was so happy for him.  I often tell smokers that it's mental. They think this girl has no idea what it's like to be in "my" shoes because she doesn't have this "bad" habit.  Many of those customers will go on to tell me they quit for a year and picked the habit back up.  However, they're forgetting that it's not the habit that is the struggle it is where they have positioned their mental state.  If you continue to think that a cigarette (insert your "bad" habit) is going to make you feel better, then in you're mind it does.
As I went on to congratulate the customer for his great achievement I decided to ask him "Do you think it's all mental?" His response "Yes!"

I'm here to tell you that it is the same in weight loss or in any "bad" habit you face.  It's all about choices and the decisions you make.  I never thought I'd see the day I'd go without food or abstain from ABPS (alcohol, breads, pasta, and sweets.) I mean my happy foods were breads, cakes, candy bars, debbie cakes, rice crispy treats, and need I make myself look more greedy!?  It was something I looked forward to and got excited about the very opening of a box of Oreos.  However, now God has positioned me to a new level of thinking. 

Most people will tell me "you don't have to do all of that."  Well, they're right, I don't, but I want to.  There comes a point and time in you're life where you decided to challenge yourself.  I've told many of my friends time and time again my weight loss journey is not just that, but it's spiritual too and it's also apart of my relationship with Christ.  How?  Well, God gives us the desires of our hearts, right?  Well, this is one of my desires.  Also, keep in mind I initially began this weight loss journey to enter the military.  This is still my main focus, but also I enjoy it.  I feel better inside and out.  I'm also more motivated and willing to help others with the same weight loss journey when I put God first. 

That takes me back to the mental exhorting.  By praying I'm able to encourage myself and depend on God that he will help me achieve this desire.  It is not God's will that we be defeated in anything.  He loves us. He will keep our mental state (thoughts) on the right path, if we just seek Him, be vulnerable, and ask for what we desire.  God will guide us.  For some of us it's guiding us straight to the gym or for other's it might be guiding us away from the 7-11 to pick up a pack of cigarette's.  Whatever your "bad" habit is God is here to mentally guide you.

Thanks for blogging with me.  I hope this helps.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Better than the Day Before

Each day is better than the day before even, if it doesn't feel like it. I am making progress and making a conscious effort to move forward with my life. I decided I will not be moving to San Antonio for the job with Frito Lay - Pepsi.  I felt that tug from God that wasn't the direction for my life. What is the direction for my life? Only God knows!

Today, at work a guy (customer, that was NOT trying to hit on me) says, "Are you from the Islands?" I replied "No, do I have an accent?" He says "No, you look like you're from Barbados or Aruba." I thought to myself those people are gorgeous, so I took that as a compliment.  :)

Also, after work I had a missed call and a voicemail from my Mommie.  She said that one of the ministers at my church asked about me and said that "I should learn a 2nd language. She believe that they haven't seen the last of me. That I will be international and do great things." So, this will be something that I keep in my back pocket as a confidence builder for rough days like today. Also, I'll be praying about it for God's guidance. Maybe he can explain this to me and lead me how to obtain such gifts & then direct me where to use these gifts.

Throughout the week I am reminded of this song by Vickie Yohe "I'm at peace even though my heart is breaking." I am also reminded of T.D Jakes sermon "The Silence of God" This is a time in my life where God is silent, so many different things are occurring in my life that I don't understand. I really need to depend on God for everything!!! I don't get it now, but I'm hoping one day he'll show me what all of this was meant for.....

Preparing for WTAL 2012... I'll be so ready to receive!!

Friday, August 3, 2012

There's a purpose through the pain

God loved me so much that he would allow me to go through this pain, so that he can give me the desires of my heart. :)

"It's not about the condition, but it's about the position. We focus so much on what we are going through and not our position. What is your position?" (paraphrase from T.D Jakes)
