Wednesday, November 18, 2009


Hey!! I missed yall! :)

Well, sorry it’s been over 2 weeks since I left a blog post. I have an excuse I have been SICK!!!! Not horribly sick, but not just sick either lol. I hope that makes sense. Wow! Well, I was thankful enough to have a friend who was able to provide me with medication from the USA. Thank God for that, it helped me a lot. Also, I am super thankful to God for allowing my sweet Principal to grant me 2 days off from work last week, so that I could get well.  She told the teachers to tell me not to come to school the next day and possibly the following day. The Lord knows I needed the rest, but of course being new I wasn't going to try to takeoff from work.  Besides, I figured I needed to return the favor and give the cold back to the kids that gave it to me, jk!  I am so glad because I was thinking it was normal, a normal cold I get every year, but the cold was caught in a different location, so my body was not responding to the cold as it normally would if I were in the USA.  I had laryngitis & a normal cold, but it was frustrating, because I was doing everything properly not to get a cold and I still got one, so I say mooooooooore LYSOL next time!!! I also had issues finding the medicine I use in the USA to get rid of laryngitis...Mucinex works wonders if you have had laryngitis for longer than you can stand it then using Mucinex helps because it breaks down the mucus.  A few years ago my doctor told me there isn't a cure for laryngitis, but Mucinex is very helpful. I would only suggest it if you've had laryngitis for more than 5 days and your voice doesn't seem to be improving. Even with Mucinex depending on how servere your laryngitis is it can still take a few more days for your voice to come back. I think total it took me 10 or so days.  Mucinex speeds up the process, mind you I did not have this product utnil around the 6th day. :( But its gone now! YAY! :)

I will be trying to post daily the next few days. I have some cool stuff to show you all. I even have some videos for you. I want to finally show you my classroom, so stay tune for the upcoming post tomorrow through next week.

Love ya guys! My voice is back and I am too! :)

1 comment:

  1. Glad U came through and are doing better! Take care! Love U God bless U!

