Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Busy Bee, That's Me

Hello All,

As usual I always have an excuse as to why I have fallen behind in my blogging. For starters I know I will NOT blog daily, but once a week would be a good idea.

So, let’s get to the good stuff. The reason I have been busy with other activities is because I have started Phone tutoring, it’s a small part time job that doesn't take up too much time, but my nights are not as free as they were. The new position is so refreshing, and to be honest it is not hard. I work a total of 1hour and 20 minutes or less per day (weekdays only.) I enjoy being able to speak to people, but I am yet teaching them. All of my students right now are in South Korea. The good thing about this gig is that I can take these students with me wherever I go, so when I return home if the agency still likes me or needs my assistance and I want to continue teaching. I should be able to do so with no issues! :)

I am excited about this new venture because it is an opportunity to be able to start my own business as well. I won't go into further details about that today, but what I want to tell you is God is continually blessing me even when I am not patient or worthy enough to receive His blessings. I will say that I must continue to strive to have a better relationship with God, this is no excuse for any of my choices or actions, but I will say I do love God and want to have a better life with Him. With all of that being said, the job in itself is a blessing... Why? Well, I don't really even know how I stumbled upon the job. All I can say is that I am a computer geek and a hustla, so after researching and talking to different people I decided to apply. I received a call back maybe a week or less later, I wasn't even expecting it, not that I wasn't, but when I received the call I was surprised because the timing was quick, especially in Korea, because they are on CPT (color peoples time) lol. Whew! They can move in slow motion, for real lol! After, receiving the call the agency's coordinator was suppose to send me an email, which she did, but she told me to respond to it, which I did. However, once I responded to the email I never received a response back with my clients/students or start date. After a few days, I called, and she said well maybe we didn't have a position for you. Haha! I was like, but you called me she said ooooh I am so sorry, lol so again after I spoke with her I didn't receive the email, so the next day I called her back again. I told her the situation and she was like well maybe it's because you don't have phone tutoring experience. I am like um...lady you kind of already hired me, she was like ok well let me send you an email. I am thinking, um yeah right this is so "Korea" (when I say that don't be offended, it is truly the way the culture moves, in slow motion. Koreans have also expressed this too.) The next thing I know she calls me back, says let me explain your pay, how the phone tutoring works, and then I will text or email you your clients name and phone number. Haha! Finally! We are on the same page! The way it played out was so funny. If I had not lived in Korea I would have thought something was wrong, but trust me this is the way the culture operates.

I really like the agency coordinator, and had a good feeling about tutoring. I was just concerned if my first student would like me. Guess what? She loves me! :) The first day went well, so the next day she calls me with another student... I am like wow I have 2 students, so again I was concerned if he would like me, but he does. He has a dry sense of humor and he makes me laugh too. Now, since the first week of January I have 6 clients. The funniest thing I have encountered about having new clients is make sure you do NOT misdial the phone number. If someone answers saying "Yeoboseyo" Um you probably dialed the wrong number, "Yeoboseyo" means "Hello" if you are on the telephone. The student is expecting you to call at a certain time on a certain day, so they won't answer in Korea! Haha! I did this my first or 2nd time and I was adamant that I dialed the right number, so I kept trying to speak in English, "augumai" (older lady...i.e. "ma'am) hung up on me hahaha! I was thinking that she was the mom or grandma of my student, and didn't know that her daughter or granddaughter was taking English lessons. Nope! It was me dialing the wrong number tehehe! To make it so bad I have done it 2 times since then, not for the same client, but for new clients sometimes I mis-dial....Oops! HAHA!

Now, to tie in how phone tutoring is a blessing? Well, obviously its more money in my pocket, but the main reason I consider this a blessing is despite the little confusion during the initial process. I am the only person to get a call back. A few of my friends have applied, but have not received a call back. I feel that this position was meant for me. The other reason this position was meant for me is out of the 6 clients that I phone tutor only one client requested to speak with me Monday through Friday for 20 minutes a day, which is the normal maximum amount of time. Guess what? She is a Christian...God knows what we need when we need it MOST!! All of this is a blessing for me inside and out! I am grateful!

I am really enjoying myself meeting more and more people from all over the world. Teaching all ages, meeting new teachers. It is awesome to have a support system. Yes, the teachers I meet here are my support system, but the students are too!

Signing out....till next time! :)


  1. That sounds aewsome! Glad you are enjoying it. And you are right, it is a blessing! Count it all joy!

  2. Thank you!! I am happy for your new blessing too. I can't wait to hang with you in a few weeks too!

