Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Keysha's Christmas Party

Saturday, was Keysha's Christmas party and of course it snowed again, I think the snow likes her because anytime she asks me to hangout it snows! Ugh! Lol. Well, we had a good time most of us were teachers, but there were 2 military guys as well. We all had some good discussions about why men and women act the way they do. For example, why men cheat because they have too much testosterone. Hey and a man didn't come up with this excuse, a woman did lol and NO it was NOT me!

We also discussed weird things about Korea....well they are weird to us. Also, we talked about different experiences we have encountered that are similar and what each individual does to handle these situations in the best way possible. It was all fun and a good time to chill, lay back and laugh!! Enjoy the pictures!

It snows in Korea....

Look at my chop stick skills (lol)
Last week, Keysha and Jay (fellow teachers in South Korea) called me up and asked me to go with them to a Japanese restaurant.  I was very eager, because I like Asian food, well except Korean food. :(  (I will explain more about that later.)  So, after we ate a good meal Keysha and Jay had to show out (misbehave) lol!  I was the only one that was on my good behavior ;) Enjoy the pictures!! Miss you all and have a Merry Christmas and of course a bright and HAPPY NEW YEAR 2010~YAY!!!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Boys Will be Boys!

I forgot to tell you about this incident a few weeks ago lol, but I just thought about it so it is good as ever.

I was walking up to the school one day, and I heard one student calling my name. At first, I wasn't even going to say too much, not that I was being rude, but the kids are always calling my name, some of them just like to say it because it is different to them. However, I did look up just in time to hear them say ", fire, fire!" I was puzzled for a minute because I saw no fire, so again I was thinking these kids do not see any fire, they just want to scream any English they learn lol. I get closer to the building and finally this little boy says it again ", fire, ooolah!" Then he starts running away from the door.  Next, thing I know I see a match or lighter in his hand.  Whoa!! Wait a minute I see a burnt piece of paper too.  What in the world are these 1st and 2nd graders doing outside, and by the door. It was about 5 boys.  Who need to be in class.  I go upstairs and thank God a teacher is coming down the hallway I grab her because she doesn't know English. I lead her to the boys and said fire! LOL! She was telling them to stop or something, but strangely enough it didn't seem like a big deal to her. So, I wonder if they do this all the time because another English teacher at another school about 4 hours away from me said a few boys were trying to light something on fire at her school too. Ha! I say people are the same in SOME ways no matter where you are or what planet you live on. 

The kids make my day, what would our world be like without kids and old people "senior citizens." I love them both. I think this is the age when we are the most gentle, tender, and caring human-beings. :D (smile)

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Blurts & Blurps VI... "Starring Mr. Bangladesh"

Blurts: Yesterday, I was on the subway on my way to visit my homegirl because she is leaving. Mind you we are all use to people staring at us over here, but there was one stare I was trying to shake. It was a familiar stare I had seen many times back home from a group that will remain nameless.  I was doing really good ignoring HIM. Then the stare got closer, then closer, hmm...then the stare STOOD UP!! What!?! Omg he is coming closer...good thang my stop was up next....I thought...GULP!!! I was about to get off only to realize that was the wrong stop my stop was the one after Jije station. Oh my however will I get off the subway avoiding this pecuilar stare? Well, I was counting every minute until I thought the subway would stop, but oh I guess I couldn't count fast enough because the stare got closer and closer until he asked me where I was from, what I was doing in Korea, and wanted my phone number. Oh my!  Well, I couldn't shake "Mr. Bangladesh" until I met up with my friend Briana, so I gave him a fake number and we ran! : ) I should have given him Bri's number since she is leaving in a few days! Haha! : )

Blurps: Today, I am at home in bed chillin! It is the schools anniversary every December 15th. I asked how many years it has been established and the teacher told me "many-many!" I am just glad to be off! YAY!! :)

GEPIK Teacher's Orientation 2009

GEPIK (Gyeonggi-do English Program in Korea)
(Gyeonggi-do is a province made up of many cities)

WOW! This week was definitely eventful, it was full of life, fun, meeting people. This is the week I will remember most about Korea.  This is the week I met my fellow foreign teachers and oh did we have a blast. I just wish I would have taken pictures, but I think I was so bored with the classes and so over joyed about meeting foreigners/expats that I was just to excited to snap the pictures. 

Let's see I met Keysha who is a young African American lady who has lived in Asia for 9 years and has lived in Korea for 2 years.  I have just met Keysha, but just hearing that little information about Keysha makes me want to know her more, so we hung out a lot and we were both so happy because we living walking distance from each other lol! So, you know we plan to cut up in a "good" way soon! YAY! I am probably going to designate her as my mentor for the rest of the year since we only have about 24 days left haha! In all seriousness I plan to have a lot of fun and learn a lot from her.  A former classmate of mines told me when every she is seeking something she always thinks it is good to have a mentor and a mentoree. I have been sharing a lot of new things with another friend of mines who will be joining us all soon in Korea her name is "Asia" lol go figure!

Okay, lets see who is up next, hmm oh Linda I met Linda she is a very sweet lady who lives north of Korea.  Yes, I said North of South Korea. I can't remember how close she is to the border, but I had a chance to make fun of her. 

I also met some South African chicas!! I love them they are soo down to earth. Liesl and Sade they are some pretty cool chicks.  I also need to mention Judy from SA, but I cannot find her on facebook. :(  She lives an hour and a half from North Korea...that is too close for me lol. They also said there was a guy there that lived 30 mins from North Korea and he often hears activity. WOW!

Okay, I have to mention this lol because it reminds me of high school.  I was kind of the popular girl at "camp" by mistake haha! I was the first to volunteer to comment about a video GEPIK showed us.  The lady made me run all the way to the front mind you I was all the way in the back of an auditorium.  So, I asked the GEPIK coordinator about the video, and why some of the Korean teachers do NOT allow us (expats) to teach in class. In SOME of our classes we feel like vegetables instead of feeling like we are co-teaching, we are just sitting there collecting dust. I was asking her how we could overcome this, and everyone was applauding the question, it sounds like most teachers here feel the same way.  Sometimes, you just have to be assertive NOT aggressive in these situations and press your way through. When it all boils down to it we are there for the kids to learn! I press my way through and when I am allowed to open my mouth you better believe I am giving as much insight as possible. I even see some of my 6th graders taking extra notes, and some of my 4th & 5th graders asking me what is the English translation for certain items, for example, one of my students asked me what the word for a piece of yarn was and I told her the action is knitting. She was knitting a scarf.

I must also add that I did ask her about the issue in a tasteful manner.  Sometimes it is okay to be proud of yourself, this is what I was taught, so I was glad I was respectful to the coordinator.   The conference empowered me so much, it was awesome to see so many young people my age and profile, such as Africans, Black UK's and African Americans doing their thang just like me :)

Well, this is just a taste of why I haven't updated my blog....actually the orientation was the first week of Dec, so I am behind by 2 weeks, but I will do my best to keep you informed on my whereabouts...

Special shout out: to Quida from FLNA (Frito), she was worried about me and checking on me because I had not updated my blog recently.  Gotta love the frito ladies! :)

Friday, November 27, 2009

Oh snap!!! GET IT!!!!!!!!!!!

They were really rocking it out in the Sinjang Shopping Market this past Saturday.  I think he got crunk when he saw me videotaping him! LOL!! I think he is saying "She'll be all I Love" : ) Enjoy!!

Rock in Korea "She'll be all I Love"

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Blurts & Blurps V

Blurts:  In order to learn a language you have to open your mouth and just speak. On the other hand, why come into my office every Monday, when you do NOT need to, and try to ask me how my weekend was and try to have a "real" conversation, if neither of us can communicate, then we just smile and okay we can just do that in the hallway.  However, you all know I love to be sarcastic, so on the real I do appreciate that this certain person who will remain nameless is trying to communicate with me because they like me.  (Hint: No, it is not one of my students.)

Blurps:  On the other hand, I always have one bright student in my class that can help me teach the others or explain something in another form.  Lately, many of my students have been teaching me Hangeul (Korean language), so this has been great for me to get out there and learn with them.  Of course, it excites them to be able to teach a Teacher.  I love it when they are happy and when I can make them smile too! :)

WHAT IS THIS!?!?! Part 2

It is the return of the centipede, along with the centipede came two students Lena & Alice.  They love to be around their teacher, Ms. Jessica... well I didn't say it, just watch & listen to the link below.

What is it!? Part 2

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Blurts & Blurps IV

Blurt: Today, I caught my 4th grade student flipping off a 3rd grader (whom is a little bit slow). After, I told her to quit it, got out of sight, and turned around all I could do was laugh! And yes, she knows what this means, because I know this child very well!! Haha! However, I don't think the kids who saw understood the meaning, lol! I know it's wrong for her to do this, but it just boggles my mind how she knew what to do, did it in slow motion, and then kept running down the track with her finger straight up!  The catch is she didn't expect a teacher, and especially an American teacher to be looking out the window at the exact moment she decides to throw up her middle finger.  I think she thought all of the teachers' were in the teachers' lounge, but NOPE not I lol!

Blurp:  Today, the 2nd school, Naesoo School (the smaller school) had a new 4th grade student.  So, far the new student is awesome, he was answering all or most of the questions! I am so glad. Whew!

Monday, November 23, 2009

Why the USA is Top Notch??? Part 1

I am sitting here in my room thinking about the money that is going into the Korean Pension Plan. Of course, one thought lead to the next and I began to think how we actually collect this money once we leave this country. I was hoping that my school was NOT involved in making sure this money is due to me. Whew! They are not because communication here is more than half the battle and I could only imagine myself trying to get my money back once I get into the states and getting upset that no one can speak English via telephone. Why am I even thinking about this 10 months ahead of time!? LOL! Idk. This is what I do best.

Well, since I found the answer let me share with you that each country is responsible for its own people, if the government chooses to care about the citizens in their country. I say the USA is top notch because they have an agreement with South Korea that once we end our contract here we are to go to the nearest national pension office and file paper work to have these funds transferred to our USA bank account within 4 to 8 weeks of our departure. This seems partially simple enough, right? Well, wait until you read the following information for a few other countries....

Pension status for citizens of Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa.

"Unfortunately, these countries do not have any such agreement with Korea at this time, therefore, although you are required to pay Korean pension, you will not be able to transfer those pension contributions to your home country's pension plan nor be eligible to receive any refund. You'll need to stay and retire here to be able see the contributions that you accrued while in Korea. Note: As of June 1, 2008, Australia and Korea will implement an agreement which will enable Australians to receive lump sum pension refunds.

Actually: It should be noted that South Africans are completely exempted from paying any pension at all. Because of the fact that Koreans are not forced to pay any pension in South Africa. Dual agreement. There are a lot of countries in Africa which are not required to pay pension, but South Africa is one of the few countries whose citizens are employed in Korea. Make sure that if you are a South African that you are not paying the pension. It is very difficult to get the money back after you paid it in... and it amounts to a lot of money you will lose, if you don't make a point of sorting this out." (

Okay, well this doesn't sound so good, it doesn't sound as worse as it could be, but I am so glad to be an American! I see I am learning that I am soooo blessed every day I am here. I thank God for our country that gives us freedom to be individualist.

Could you imagine trying to get back money from the Korean government if you were paying into the National Pension plan and you weren't suppose to, such as South Africans? The South African government would be better at setting up an agreement with Korea as the USA, Canada, and looks like Australia have also created an agreement. This is best for each citizen that comes here to work. It looks like New Zealand needs to implement some type of plan for their citizens, it looks like they are paying into the Korean government, but not receiving any of this national pension plan in return. Where is this money going??? I do not know, but I do know that mines is going right back to the USA upon my departure! : )

Be blessed! Thanks for blogging with me.

Note: Some of the contents on this page were gathered via the site below, plagiarism and copyright infringement is NOT intended.


Friday, November 20, 2009

Sleepin' & Commutin'

What do I do in my spare time when I am not recording "strange insects"? When the kids aren't shouting "Jessica, Jessica, Teacher, Teacher!" When I am not out and about meeting new teachers. Or do you ever wonder what do I do when I come back from hanging out with friends, when I am on the long subway ride home???  Do you really want to know?  Well, well, well look below.  This is what I do when all eyes are not on me anymore, it is my chance to entertain myself.  Daily, I am use to getting stares from at least one person that finds me (Black Lady in Korea) interesting or different. So, this is my opportunity to look at others around me, and this is what I found. 

There are 2 specific people I want you to notice in these pictures. 

Subject#1: Notice the business man in the white collar shirt, he almost missed his stop and jumped up just in time to run off the subway before the doors closed.  I wish I would have been able to snap a photo of him running out the subway doors.  Haha! I had to be discreet. :( lol!

Subject#2: Look at the older lady in the orange coat.  She was calling them wasn't she!? (Meaning - she was in a very good sleep) Lol! Then when it was time for her stop, she jumped up in time, staggering to the doorway, and she was pushing people out of the way to get off the subway.  Lol. No one was going to stop her from missing her destination.  If she only had a bat lol! Those poor people in her path would have gotten beat! Haha!

 Hey, I just report the stuff I stumble upon!! I don't create it ; )

Well, as always...enjoy!! : )

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Seotan Elementary "English Room & Teacher's (Jessica's) Room" : )

I hope you enjoy the beautiful classroom and office the school has given me. I am too thrilled with it, trying to remember that I am blessed at all times! :)

Please, see the video below. It will take you to


Wednesday, November 18, 2009


Hey!! I missed yall! :)

Well, sorry it’s been over 2 weeks since I left a blog post. I have an excuse I have been SICK!!!! Not horribly sick, but not just sick either lol. I hope that makes sense. Wow! Well, I was thankful enough to have a friend who was able to provide me with medication from the USA. Thank God for that, it helped me a lot. Also, I am super thankful to God for allowing my sweet Principal to grant me 2 days off from work last week, so that I could get well.  She told the teachers to tell me not to come to school the next day and possibly the following day. The Lord knows I needed the rest, but of course being new I wasn't going to try to takeoff from work.  Besides, I figured I needed to return the favor and give the cold back to the kids that gave it to me, jk!  I am so glad because I was thinking it was normal, a normal cold I get every year, but the cold was caught in a different location, so my body was not responding to the cold as it normally would if I were in the USA.  I had laryngitis & a normal cold, but it was frustrating, because I was doing everything properly not to get a cold and I still got one, so I say mooooooooore LYSOL next time!!! I also had issues finding the medicine I use in the USA to get rid of laryngitis...Mucinex works wonders if you have had laryngitis for longer than you can stand it then using Mucinex helps because it breaks down the mucus.  A few years ago my doctor told me there isn't a cure for laryngitis, but Mucinex is very helpful. I would only suggest it if you've had laryngitis for more than 5 days and your voice doesn't seem to be improving. Even with Mucinex depending on how servere your laryngitis is it can still take a few more days for your voice to come back. I think total it took me 10 or so days.  Mucinex speeds up the process, mind you I did not have this product utnil around the 6th day. :( But its gone now! YAY! :)

I will be trying to post daily the next few days. I have some cool stuff to show you all. I even have some videos for you. I want to finally show you my classroom, so stay tune for the upcoming post tomorrow through next week.

Love ya guys! My voice is back and I am too! :)

Saturday, October 31, 2009

A Surprise for Jessica : )

It's the weekend!!! I am trying to keep up with my blog as best I can, so I hope I am not doing it in vain.  I hope everyone is blogging along with me.

My 6th graders requested that I come eat at school with them today, Saturday.  LOL! You should all know me by now that....I DID NOT WANT TO GO!! Lol! But I really, truly love my 6th graders they are so sweet to me!  I am going to miss them, they graduate in March here. :(

See the great pictures...they all made these "love" foods for me. :)
