Saturday, October 10, 2009

What is an ARC?

I remember seeing ARC once in a while before I left for Korea, but I didn't pay it too much attention because it hardly had any supporting information behind the acroynm. Well, I found out that it stands for Alien Registration Card, which I did know that I would need one while living here.

How do you obtain an ARC? You must take an HIV and drug test. Okay, not too bad right? Haha! This is where the fun comes in, you go to the nearest hospital to obtain your ARC. My co-teacher takes me to the hospital this past Thursday, and he fills out a form for me & he knows my birthday by heart. Hmm...not too concerned about that because he probably just wanted to memorize it English, since he was basically my translator at the hospital. After filling out the form & paying 12, 000 won for the ARC (rme(rollin my eyes)), he then takes me to another level of the hospital where they make me pee in a cup, but get this they didn't take my purse, the fauset works, and the bathroom was unisex. It was dirty as ever too. The urinal was down in the floor, then there was a lady stahl next to it, I could feel myself turn every which way & wasn't sure where to perform the drug test. that point I felt as if I needed an instruction manual just to pee in the cup. Sorry folks this may get a bit I finally just gapped & straddled my legs across the urinal that was built in the floor. I smell pee stinches everywhere. Heck anybody could test positive for HIV or drug use at this point, if you ask me! I mean shouldn't these area be santitized, and shouldn't they be watching to see if I put water in the cup. Well, I just took a deep breath and ssss, just let it all out. Omg! I don't think I have enough, well the way this bathroom is looking I sure hope they don't trip about that, so I asked my co-teacher & I could hear the nurses saying yes. I am like you haven't even seen the cup how do you know it is enough. Well if they aren't worried about it, neither am I. They had me put the cup on a desk right by the door and then I had to ask to wash my hands. AFter I washed my hands she stuck me with a needle to draw my blood and gave me a confirmation sheet. Then, I looked for my co-teacher A.K.A "Translator" why was he in the same bathroom. "GET OUTTA THERE AND COME ON!" Hahahaha!

I say they stick those darn mosquitoes, and leave me alone lol!

Bonus Blog: After all this we took the bus to E-Mart (Reject Wal-mart), during the checkout I saw a shopping card, possibly similar to Kroger's or Dillion's discount shopping card. I asked the lady if I could have one, well actually I didn't get the chance to before she said "their not for alien's" "Are you kidding me!?" So, now I have a plan in action with Obama, Kroger's & Dillion's to get that plan implemented in the States. That is the best idea I've had since weaved tracks!!

Thanks for following!! :)


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